For those living with a mental illness…you are not alone.
Mental illness is not your fault. There is no single cause for mental health disorders; instead, they can be caused by a mixture of biological, psychological and environmental factors. People who have a family history of mental health disorders may be more prone to developing one at some point.
Start your journey to being mentally healthy!

The app to get you on the road to recovery.
Resources at Your Fingertips
Discover help based on your location.

Interactive Resources
People sometimes don’t get the help they need because they don’t know where to start. Use these mental health resources to find help for you, a friend, or a family member in need.
Audience Specific Information
Mental illness affects people from all walks of life, so whether you’re someone who needs help or seeking to help others, MHU offers a wide range of individualized resources for a diverse group of people.
24/7 Hotlines
We’re here for you all day, every day. Anytime of the day or night, check out uplifting stories of people who have faced and overcome some of the mental health challenges you or a loved one is facing today.
MHU Offers a Wide Range of Resources
Our diverse mental health resources are here to serve everyone who needs help or is seeking to help others.
If you’re a teen or young adult facing a mental health condition, the first step in getting help is discussing what you are going through with a parent or somebody you trust.
When a family member develops a mental health condition, it’s important to know that as a parent, you’re not alone. Parents play a large role in helping and supporting family members with mental illness.

Adult Living with a Mental Diagnosis
If you’re among the millions of adults who live with a mental illness, remember that people living with mental illnesses can and do recover with treatment, services and support.
With their daily interactions with so many young people, teachers are in a unique position to identify the signs of mental health early and help students navigate their way to health.
Faith-Based Leaders
If you’re a faith leader, we want to give you the tools you need to help educate individuals and families about how they can get help.

Find Help within the App?
Let us help you find what you need. Go to Interactive Resources to find mental health services and organizations that can help you, a friend, or a family member in need.
- —Speak with someone within the app.
- —Discover help within your area.
- —Find solutions based on your needs.

Did You Know?
Everyone is touched by mental illness. Learn about celebrities who have come forward to talk about their struggles with these common illnesses.